Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ) AND FOSQ-10

          Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ)

TE Weaver, PhD, FAAN, RN et al is the developer of this scale which was published in 1997
objective of questionnaire
This is the first self-report measure designed to assess the impact of disorders of excessive sleepiness (DOES) on multiple activities of everyday living and the extent to which these abilities are improved by effective treatment. 
This scale has 30 items and has five factor subscales i.e. consisting of 30 questions related to the effects of fatigue on daily activities. Five domains of day-to-day life that are examined are
·         activity levels
·         vigilance
·         intimacy and sexual relationships
·         general productivity
·         Social outcomes.
The questionnaire is indicated for both research and clinical purposes (screening, assessing treatment outcomes, etc.).
It is a likert scale whose scaling of items is from zero to four.
This scale was originally developed in English language which was later translated in many other languages such as Turkish, Penansulvanian, Spanish, Swedish, French, Mexican,  Norwegian version 
Three samples were used in the development and psychometric analyses of the FOSQ:
Sample 1 (n = 153) consisted of individuals seeking medical attention for a sleep problem and persons of similar age and gender having no sleep disorder;
samples 2 (n = 24) and 3 (n = 51) were composed of patients from two medical centers diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Factor analysis of the FOSQ yielded five factors: activity level, vigilance, intimacy and sexual relationships, general productivity, and social outcome.
Internal reliability was excellent for both the subscales (alpha = 0.86 to alpha = 0.91) and the total scale (alpha = 0.95).
Test-retest reliability of the FOSQ yielded coefficients ranging from r = 0.81 to r = 0.90 for the five subscales and r = 0.90 for the total measure
. The FOSQ successfully discriminated between normal subjects and those seeking medical attention for a sleep problem
the FOSQ can be used to determine how disorders of excessive sleepiness affect patients' abilities to conduct normal activities and the extent to which these abilities are improved by effective treatment of DOES.
It’s a long questionnaire, a shorter version; FOSQ 10 came after this which have same reliability and internal consistency.
SUBSCALES                                                                        QUESTIONS             ITEM #         
General productivity                                                   8 questions                  1-4, 8-11
Social outcome                                                            2 questions                  12, 13
Activity level                                                              9 questions                  5, 14-16, 22-26
Vigilance                                                                  7 questions                     6, 7, 17-21
Intimate relationships and sexual activity             4 questions                        27-30
A response score of 0 for an item should be coed as N/A or missing response. Thus, potential range of scores for any item is 1-4. Calculate the mean of the answered items with responses equal to or greater than 1 for each subscale. This is the weighted mean item total or subscale score.
For example if a subscale has six questions and one question has missing response and one with N/A response. Then you would not include those two questions why you added the responses and you would divide by four instead of six when calculating the mean. This prevents a score biased due to missing answers or skipped questions because an individual doesn’t engage in a particular activity due to reasons other than disorders of excessive sleepiness.
The potential range of scores for each subscale is 1-4.

To obtain total score, take all the subscale scores and calculate the mean of these scores and then multiply that mean by five. Multiply by five regardless of number of subscales scores used in computation of the mean.
For example, if you a subscale score for all subscales, then you multiply the mean of those scores by 5; f you have subscale scores for only 4 of the 5 subscales. Then you would also multiply the mean by five.
The potential range of scores for the total score is 5-20

Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ)

Some people have difficulty performing everyday activities when they feel tired or sleepy.  The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out if you generally have difficulty carrying out certain activities because you are too sleepy or tired.  In this questionnaire, when the words "sleepy" or "tired" are used, it means the feeling that you can't keep your eyes open, your head is droopy, that you want to "nod off", or that you feel the urge to take a nap.  These words do not refer to the tired or fatigued feeling you may have after you have exercised.
Directions: Please put a check in the box for your answer to each question.  Select only one answer for each question.  Please try to be as accurate as possible. 

(0)I don't do this activity for other reasons
(4)No difficulty
(3)a little difficulty
(2)moderate difficulty
(1)extreme difficulty

1. Do you have difficulty concentrating on the things you do because you are sleepy or tired?
2. Do you generally have difficulty remembering things, because you are sleepy or tired
3. Do you have difficulty finishing a meal because you become sleepy or tired?
4. Do you have difficulty working on a hobby (for example, sewing, collecting, gardening) because you are sleepy or tired?
5. Do you have difficulty doing work around the house (for example, cleaning house, doing laundry, taking out the trash, repair work) because you are sleepy or tired?
6. Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for short distances (less than 100 miles) because you become sleepy or tired?
7. Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for long distances (greater than 100 miles) because you become sleepy or tired?
8. Do you have difficulty getting things done because you are too sleepy or tired to drive or take public transportation?
9. Do you have difficulty taking care of financial affairs and doing paperwork (for example, writing checks, paying bills, keeping financial records, filling out tax forms, etc.) because you are sleepy or tired?
10. Do you have difficulty performing employed or volunteer work because you are sleepy or tired?
11. Do you have difficulty maintaining a telephone conversation, because you become sleepy or tired?
12. Do you have difficulty visiting with your family or friends in your home because you become sleepy or tired?
13. Do you have difficulty visiting with your family or friends in their home because you become sleepy or tired?
14. Do you have difficulty doing things for your family or friends because you are too sleepy or tired?
(3)Yes, a little
(2)Yes, moderately
(1)Yes, extremely

15. Has your relationship with family, friends or work colleagues been affected because you are sleepy or tired?
16.In what way has your relationship been affected?
I don't do this activity for other reasons
No difficulty
little difficulty
moderate difficulty
 extreme difficulty
16. Do you have difficulty exercising or participating in a sporting activity because you are too sleepy or tired?
17. Do you have difficulty watching a movie or videotape because you become sleepy or tired?
18. Do you have difficulty enjoying the theater or a lecture because you become sleepy or tired?
19. Do you have difficulty enjoying a concert because you become sleepy or tired?
20. Do you have difficulty watching TV because you are sleepy or tired?
21. Do you have difficulty participating in religious services, meetings or a group or club, because you are sleepy or tired?
22. Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the evening because you are sleepy or tired?
23. Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the morning because you are sleepy or tired?
24. Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in theafternoon because you are sleepy or tired?
25.  Do you have difficulty keeping pace with others your own age because you are sleepy or tired?
(1)Very low
26. How would you rate your general level of activity?
(0)I don't do this for other reasons
(4)No difficulty
(3)a little difficulty
(2)moderate difficulty
(1)extreme difficulty
27. Has your intimate or sexual relationship been affected because you are sleepy or tired?
(0)I don't engage in sexual activity for other reasons
(3a little
(1)Yes, extreme
28. Has your desire for intimacy or sex been affected because you are sleepy or tired?
29. Has your ability to become sexually aroused been affected because you are sleepy or tired?
30. Has your ability to have an orgasm been affected because you are sleepy or tired?

FOSQ-10 (2009)
Eileen R Chasens and colleagues, Sarah J Ratcliffe, Terri E Weaver created a shorter, 10-item version of the scale in order to allow for rapid and efficient administration.
objective of questionnaire
 It is a shorter version of the original instrument (FOSQ). The main objective to develop shorter version that it may be more easily implemented in clinical.
Of the 30 original FOSQ items, 10 questions representing each of the 5 subscales were selected if they had a normal distribution of responses and the largest pre- to post-treatment effect size
 FOSQ-10 consists of 10 questions rated on a scale of 1 to 4 (1=extreme difficulty and 4=no difficulty). A total score and 5 subscale (vigilance, general productivity, social outcome, intimacy, and activity level) scores are calculated from the responses. Worst subscale score is 1 (maximum difficulty) and the best score is 4 (no difficulty). 
FOSQ 10 has similar validity and reliability as the FOSQ a with an  internal consistency of  α = 0.87.
With similar psychometric performances, the FOSQ-10 provides a simple means to assess functional status both in clinical arena and large scale health assessments with minimizing information loss. Prior to treatment, the Total score of the FOSQ-10 was robustly associated with the FOSQ-30
 although the short form has fewer questions obtaining less information, the strong correlation indicates that similar conclusions can be drawn when using the short form as would be the case if the longer form were employed.
 Applying the criteria suggested by Nunnally and Bernstein, the internal consistency of the short form surpasses the threshold of 0.70 for application of the measure in both research and clinical practice. 
The range of pre-treatment and post-treatment scores obtained for the Total score of the short form indicates that, like the original instrument, it has the ability to detect a wide range of functional limitations.
 The two versions of the FOSQ were able to reach the same statistical conclusion regarding differences between normal controls and patients with OSA.
Worst subscale score is 1 (maximum difficulty) and the best score is 4 (no difficulty).

Q1. Do you have difficulty concentrating on the things you do because you are sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q2. Do you generally have difficulty remembering things because you are sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q3. Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for short distances (less than 100 miles) because you become sleepy?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate         3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q4. Do you have difficulty operating a motor vehicle for long distances (greater than 100 miles) because you become sleepy?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate         3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q5. Do you have difficulty visiting your family or friends in their home because you become sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate         3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q6. Has your relationship with family, friends or work colleagues been affected because you are sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q7. Do you have difficulty watching a movie or video because you become sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q8. Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the evening because you are sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little              4. No
Q9. Do you have difficulty being as active as you want to be in the morning because you are sleepy or tired?
1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate        3. Yes, a little             4. No
Q10. Has your mood been affected because you are sleepy or tired?

1. Yes, extreme                       2. Yes, moderate         3. Yes, a little               4. No


  1. Can you provide more information about the scoring of FOSQ-10? How do I obtain the sub-scale score? which question belongs to which sub-scale is not mentioned here.

    1. i can mail you complete article from where you can find all your required information.

    2. Can you please mail me the article? planning to do a study on infant sleep and correlation with mother's quality of sleep.

    3. check your mail when you get time.

    4. can you please email me this as well? I am doing a project and would like to know more...

  2. If you could send me the article as well, I would really appreciate it.

  3. If you could send me the article as well, I would really appreciate it.

  4. Me too, I am trying to figure out how to score both versions of the test

    1. Please check your mail

    2. hello, could you please send me the article so I can appropriately score this as well? Thanks!

  5. Hi - Can you send me the article as well? Thanks

  6. Can u please send me FOSQ 10 Qqiestionnaire along with scoring and how to interpret it,at

  7. Hi. I don't know how to interpret the scoring. Could you elaborate more?

  8. Hi, could you send me also the FOSQ 10 Questionnaire, along with scoring and interpretation guide?
    My email is

    Thank you.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hi, could you also send me also the FOSQ 10 Questionnaire, along with scoring and interpretation guide?
    My email is

  11. Hell, could you also send me also the FOSQ 10 Questionnaire, along with scoring and interpretation guide?
    My email is irsm301@gmail.301

    1. kindly recheck your provided email address.

  12. Sorry about that, I meant hello not hell

  13. HEllo,

    I have a question, i don't understand the FOSQ-10 presented in your article. As notified in the article of Chansens, items are from the FOSQ-30 items. what it is the item 10? why it is not a item about intimacy as notified in the Chansens article? And i don't understand the answers for each item that are different from FOSQ-30..
    thank you in advance for your answer,
    Best regards

  14. Can you send me article and any info about scoring and interpreting fosq-10. My email is

  15. Hi, could you send me also the FOSQ 10 Questionnaire, along with scoring and interpretation guide?

  16. Hi, could you send me the FOSQ 10 questionaire with scoring and interpretation guide, please.

    My email :

  17. I also have a question about question #10. What category does it belong to? I don't know how to score it because I don't know what category to put#10 in. my e-mail is

  18. Hi this is very have an idea about SAQLI/CALGARY SLEEP QUESSTIONAIRE. Could mail me.

  19. Hi, how would i know the interpretation in the scores? Do you have it?

  20. Can you please send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for the test and the complete article? Thanks a lot.

  21. Can you please send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for the test and the complete article? Thanks a lot.

  22. Hello, as above, is it possible to send me the scoring instructions and interpretation please? hank you very much for your article! jgwenn[a]

  23. Hi, can you email me a fosq 10 I can download please?

  24. Can you please send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for FOSQ10?

    Thank you.

  25. Hi,So was working on a research the topic is sleep deprivation and workplace wellbeing. Does the scale measure sleep deprivation?Can you please mail the scoring of the 10 items version? Also the score ranges from 5-20 can you please mention what the interpretation can be?Please mail this to
    Thank you.

  26. Can you please send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for FOSQ10? Thank you so much!

  27. Do you need to obtain a license for use of the FOSQ-10? And could you please email me scoring instructions for the FOSQ-10?

  28. My question would be the same as Rachel...
    "Do you need to obtain a license for use of the FOSQ-10? And could you please email me scoring instructions for the FOSQ-10?" reply to

  29. Greetings, like some others commenting here, I'm interested in the FOSQ 10 scoring. I have lots of FOSQ 30 data and I'd like to try to try and examine the psychometric properties of the short version of the measure, but the 10th item: "Has your mood been affected because you are sleepy or tired?" isn't in the FOSQ 30 item list. Why was this item chosen/created? Is there some alternative item that can be used from the FOSQ 30 item list?

  30. hi, i just want to have a justification, which version is better to be use in research study? currently, I'm conducting a research study on sleep quality affecting activity daily living on shift worker. i do prefer to use a long version bcs the items is more detail compare to short version. but still, i want your opinion regarding this, in your point of view, how do you think that FOSQ-30 is still validate to be choose over FOSQ-10? thank you for your attention. please do reply your comment onto my email address:

  31. Can you simply post a link to the scoring article rather then have everyone give you there individual email?

  32. Hello, this is very useful information, thank you - could I please have the link to the scoring article, or send to

  33. Hi,

    Please can you send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for FOSQ10? Many Thanks!

  34. Hi!
    Can you please send me the interpretation of FOSQ-10. Email id- Thanks!

  35. Hello ma'am
    I am having difficulty in understanding the interpretation of scores of FOSQ-30.
    Email ID

  36. Hi there,

    Have been unable to find which questions from the FOSQ-10 QA are allocated to each of the subsets for scoring. Can you please Email this information like you have for the other users.


    Thanks so much!

  37. Dear I need to know the interpretation of the final score
    For example score 17 what does this mean?
    Are their categories for a final score for fosq -10 form

  38. would you plz send the interpretation of FOSQ-10 to

  39. Can you please send me the scoring instructions and interpretation for FOSQ10?

  40. Hi, could you send me also the FOSQ 10 Questionnaire, along with scoring and interpretation guide?
