Case study: Sony play station outrage
Anthony Giddens
gave the concept of time and space distanciation. In our project we are going
to apply his concept and theory on the cybercrime which is common, because of
the globalized cyberspace. Cyberspace can be defined as ‘’the notional environment in which
communication over computer networks occurs’’, and cybercrime can be defined as
the ‘’Criminal exploitation of the cyberspace’’. We took the case study of ‘’
Sony Data play station outage’’ biggest data breached event in the history, and
explained this case study through the Anthony Giddens concept of Time space
The term cyberspace literally means
"navigable space" and it is derived from the Greek word kyber (to
navigate). In William Gibson's 1984 novel Neuromancer, the original source of
the term, cyberspace refers to a navigable, digital space of networked
computers accessible from computer consoles; a visual, colorful, electronic
data-scape known as "The Matrix" where companies and individuals
interact with, and trade in, information. As William Gibson explained cyber
space as:
Cyber space. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by
billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught
mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the
banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of
light ranged in the non space of the mind, clusters and constellations of data.
Like city lights, receding
Since 1984 the term cyberspace has
been re-appropriated, adapted and used
in a variety of ways that all refer to the computer-based conceptual space
within information and communication technologies.
Cyber Crime
Cyber crime is relatively a new
kind of crime which includes use of computers. As today’s world is
technologically advance and our everyday lives are greatly dependent upon
software’s and computers. This technologically advancement brought easiness in
our life as well as increased rate of crime too. I.T has begun to produce
criminal opportunities commonly known as cyber crime .Cyber crime can be defined as crimes
committed on the internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted
victim (Joseph A E, 2006).Weapons used for cyber crime include hacking, data
diddling, denial of service attack.
Globalization and Cyber Space
Globalization has become the most
important economic, political, and cultural phenomenon of our time. This
process is reshaping the world economy, creating new social classes, and
reordering the lives of thousands and thousands of people. According to Giddens
(1990, p. 64), globalization is “the intensification of worldwide social
relations which link distant localities in such way that local happenings are
shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa”, thereby changing
all aspects of our everyday life. Globalization by its nature brings down these
barriers and empowers the individual with "unlimited" choices. One
can live in England but eat Greek food, read Suddeuche Zeitung on the Internet,
buy books from in Seattle, and visit Egyptian pyramids without
changing money or having a passport. All this increases people's freedom to shape
their identities in a way that their ancestors could not have possibly
imagined. (Dr. Mladen Milicevic)[1].
Actually cyber space is giving rise to a world with no barriers and no
distance. For Frances Cairn cross (1997), this means the “death of distance,” Cyber
space or virtual world is quite opposite to your physical world. You don’t have
to be in place to experience things. Accepting this view, Kenichi Ohmae
(1990;1995) celebrates a “borderless world” where any attempt to create
boundaries is doomed to failure or what William Mitchell (1999) calls an
“e-topia” of near boundless choices for where and how we live and work (see
also Friedman, 1999). For him, the Net does not just extend geometry:
“The Net negates geometry. ... it
is fundamentally and profoundly anti spatial. It is nothing like
the Piazza Navona or Copley Square.
You cannot say where it is or describe its memorable
shape and proportions or tell a
stranger how to get there. But you can find things in it without
knowing where they are. The Net is
ambient-nowhere in particular and everywhere at once.”
(Mitchell, 1995: 8)[2]
Between 19 and
17th April Sony play station data was accessed by illegal and
unauthorized person. This person got access to people private data including
user’s name, email ids, birthdates, passwords, security questions. It was
informed by company that may be the credit card information may have been
compromised also. Hackers deleted the original data files, took away private
data and left messages on Sony website. Nearly 77 million accounts were
affected because of this external intrusion. Sony play station is one of the biggest companies with
credit card holders. At the
time of the outrage, with a count of 77 million registered PlayStation Network
accounts, it was one of the largest data security breaches in history. After this Sony changed his agreement
policies, including that customer can’t sue them in future for any sort of
security breach.
Chris Boyd, a senior threat researcher for GFI Software states “Nothing is ever 100% secure. Don’t
assume someone won’t come after your data because you’re ‘just a games company’
or something similar, Everyone is a target, even if you can’t think of ways
that your data could possibly be used for nefarious purpose,”
SONY PlayStation Network Hack Timeline
This is a timeline of major events
associated with the attack on Sony's PlayStation. Dates are given relative to
the location the events took place. Sony announcements, released globally, are
listed according to their publication in the U.S.
Tuesday, April 19
Sony learned its PlayStation
Network had been compromised. At the time, the company did not announce this.
It was subsequently disclosed in a statement issued by the company's U.S.
Wednesday, April 20
Sony close down his two networks
but news that system has been hacked was not announced. They gave public
statement that certain functions of play station network are down.
Thursday, April 21
The company said it was still
investigating the cause of the outrage and that it would be "a full day or
two" before everything was back to normal. A posting on Sony Europe's
PlayStation blog suggested the networks had been attacked. The posting was
later removed, but numerous gaming news outlets reported it as saying,
"Our support teams are investigating the cause of the problem, including
the possibility of targeted behavior by an outside party."
Friday, April 22
Sony revealed for the first time
the cause of the problems. "An external intrusion on our system has
affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a
thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network
services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity
services, “it . It offered no details on when services might return to
Saturday, April 23
Sony decided to rebuild its
network. They announced though this process is time consuming it worth’s the
time. They further informed that they will increase security
Sunday, April 24
For the first time since the
problems began, Sony went a day without releasing an update. It called in a
second computer security company to determine what happened inside the
company's servers.
Wednesday, April 27
Sony shares fell 2 percent on news
of the potentially huge data leak, ending Wednesday trading in Tokyo at 2,366
yen, down 49 yen.
A class-action lawsuit was filed in
the U.S. accusing Sony of not taking "reasonable care to protect, encrypt
and secure the private and sensitive data of its users." It seeks monetary
compensation and free credit card monitoring. Sony published Q&A section to
clarify that no credit card data was compromised.
Sunday, May 1
Sony apologized and announced that
play station network and Qriocity will be brought online in stages. Although
services were completely back till mid may
Is North Korea Guilty?
Another news came forward that north Korea have contributed
in Sony hack. It was suspected that attacker used destructive malicious
software to disable company system and extract data. During investigation, some
malware contained code in Korean language came. Other then this, certain
component of this attack was similar to tat of attacks carried out in south
korea in march last year,
According to Zaichkowsky( an expert in the field of cyber
security),he details of the attack look like it was carried out by
"hacktivists," which are hackers that breach computer systems to stress
political issues that usually involve free information exchange over the
Main objective of this research is to study the relation of globalization
and cyber space and how Anthony Giddens explain this phenomenon. This relation
is being observed by analyzing case of Sony Play Station outrage. Major
concepts of Anthony Giddens are taken and applied on the case of Sony Play
Station outrage.
this study Secondary data has been used and sources of gathering information
were internet, articles, discussion and point of views of people and books from
How does the
case of Sony play station system outrage explain the process of globalization?
What type of society is rising up because of increasing globalized cyberspace?
We are going to explain this case with the help of concepts
given by Anthony Giddens.
New role of knowledge economy
Anthony Giddens highlights “the new
role of knowledge as a factor of production…” He speaks of the “new knowledge
economy that almost certainly operates according to different principles from
the industrial economy….” Giddens accounts for revolutionary change in terms of
something more broadly spread: “Most companies know pretty quickly what other
companies are planning, because of the general profusion of information.
Secrecy is much more difficult. Given the global nature of contemporary
communications, there is no geographical isolation any longer”. (David Hakken)[3]
. This concept of secrecy in this new globalized world can also be linked with
the Sony incident. How in the era cyberspace nothing anymore is a secret, the
hacker probably found out everything about how the technology of Sony play
station’s user information operates and found a loop-hole in the system which
gave access to the information.
One significant impact of the
Internet is the creation of the virtual world of cyberspace with its multitude
of virtual communities, online businesses and individuals. In cyberspace, new
kinds of interaction between individuals are possible, along with the adoption
of many identities. Opinions on the Internet have become polarized between
those who see it as offering many new opportunities and others who see it as
destructive of real social relations and home to new forms of criminality and
abuse (Anthony Giddens and Philip W.
Sutton Sociology 7th edition)[4]. Sony incident is a perfect example of
such crime which can be referred to
as cybercrime. This type of crime is different and difficult to tackle because
it does not have any geographical boundaries. The non-factor of geographical
boundaries also creates a problem for law-enforcers because they are usually
bounded by geographical boundaries. This implies that international cooperation
and a lot more effort is needed to identify these cybercriminals. They can take
on any identity or can easily make themselves disappear from the virtual space
that is cyberspace.
Time space distanciation
Time space distanciation is an
acute characteristic of online spaces in relation to criminal activity this
means that individuals are able to attack their victims at a distance and in
compressed and extended periods of time (Criminology)[5]. Like in the case of Sony play station
network outrage that was the result of an "external intrusion" on Sony's PlayStation Network , in which
personal details from approximately 77 million accounts were stolen and
prevented users of PlayStation
3 and PlayStation Portable consoles
from playing online through the service. The outrage lasted 23 days. Sony is a
company that has had a major impact all across the world. Many households have
had Sony products for years and it is a well-known name all over the United
States (Wikipedia)[6].
Science and
Technology as Sources of Risk
and technology are often offered as the source of society’s salvation, yet a
generation of sociological work on risk seems to reverse this stance. Science
and its technological application are positioned as today’s greatest sources of
ruination. Put differently, our biggest threats and gravest disasters seem to
be internal to society itself. Anthony Giddens (1990) suggests that they are
nothing less than the side effects of industrial modernity. We now dwell in an
era of “manufactured uncertainty” in which various risks keep accumulating and
threatening (Giddens 1995). To make sense of contemporary reality Anthony
Giddens (1990) sketched out the differences between traditional times and our
own times thus:
Table 1. Risk in Traditional
and Modern Societies
Traditional Society
Modern Society
Reference to the past
Constant scrutiny of the present: reflexivity
Slow pace, limited scope
Rapid pace, global scope
Social activity localized
Activity disembedded from social environment
Unity of time and space
Separation of time and space
Expert knowledge peripheral
Expert knowledge central
Threats from nature
Threats from reflexive modernity
Emphasis on fortune (fate)
Emphasis on risk
External risks
Manufactured risks
(Steve Matthewman)[7]
Like in the case of Sony, the
company had suggested that an “unauthorized and unknown person” carried out the
attack against its servers, during which “usernames, passwords, credit card
details, security answers, purchase history and addresses” are believed to have
been stolen. The precise method by which the hacker broke into the systems “has
not been revealed”. The detail stolen through this breach was said to be worth
tens of millions of dollars if sold on the “thriving online black market for
credit cards and personal information”. Thousands of gamers and Sony product
users were livid that their details had been compromised, but the company “briefly
addressed the question of refunds” on subscriptions and purchases through an
FAQ about the security breach ([8]. So, throughout this scenario we can
see that how uncertain and risky today’s world has become. The title of
Giddens’ accessible modern classic ‘Runaway World’ immediately suggests to the
reader that he perceives globalization as an unpredictable, destabilsing
process. In Giddens’ own words: “We are the first generation to live in global
society, whose contours we can as yet only dimly see. It is shaking up our
existing ways of life, no matter where we happen to be. This is emerging in an
anarchic, haphazard, fashion it is not settled or secure, but fraught with
anxieties, as well as scarred by deep divisions. Many of us feel in the grip of
forces over which we have no control” (Giddens 2002). He argues that there is a
“new riskiness to risk” in that these new technologies could have catastrophic
consequences for humanity. (realsociology)[9]
has undermined the ability of institutions such as the Nation State, the family
and religion, to provide us with a sense of security and stability. These
institutions are no longer able to offer us a clearly defined norms and values
that tell us how we should act in society.
Giddens notices that transnational
corporation growth reduces the strength of nation states. This is the cause of
deeper social unevenness (risk). In this case now the people whose accounts
were hacked could not be provided security by the nation states they belong.
Cyberspace refers to a navigable,
digital space of networked computers accessible from computer consoles. Since
1948, tem cyber space has been used in variety of ways. Type of crime that has
been done in cyberspace is cyber crime. This is relatively a new way of committing
crime as tool that is used in it is computers and victims are computers too.
Globalization where helped to flow that cultures from one end of world to
another similarly it is playing its role in making crime easy to commit.
Globalization is reshaping the world and forming a new world which is without
any borders as Giddens called its “borderless world” Actually cyber space is
giving rise to a world with no barriers and no distance. For Frances Cairn
cross (1997), this means the “death of distance,” case study that has been discuses
is of Sony play station system outrage, where Sony system was hacked and credit card of 77 million
people were compromised. This was a case of hacking involved identity theft.
Theory of Anthony Giddens has been used to explain this phenomenon. Basic
concepts such as nation state, time space distanciation, knowledge as a risk,
new role of knowledge economy and self identity has been discussed. Concluding
concept of Anthony Giddens, he explained that today’s world is borderless where
space has been separated from time and knowledge is becoming riskier. Nation
states are becoming weaker as they have no control on global virtual world as
well as your identity is what you carry in form of credit cards and it’s not
your nationality. Giddens explains it through concept of Runaway society that
globalization is unpredictable and it’s reshaping our lives making it more
insecure and open to risk.
and Globalization by Dr. Mladen Milicevic, Loyola Marymount University, Los
Angeles, California, USA
[2] Cairncross,
F. (1997). The Death of Distance. Boston: Harvard Business School Press
[3]The Knowledge Landscapes of
Cyberspace by
David Hakken
edited by
Chris Hale, Keith Hayward
[7]Journal of IDRM (Dealing with Disasters: Some Warnings from Science and
Technology Studies (STS) by Steve Matthewman Received: 18/11/2013 / Accepted:
21/12/2013 / Published online: 24/07/2014
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