Monday, 9 March 2015

National security

National security

Our national security is a state or condition where our most cherished values and beliefs, our democratic way of life, our institutions of governance and our unity, welfare and well-being as a nation and people are permanently protected and continuously enhanced.
At present, our country and its security forces are facing suicide attacks, bomb blasts, sectarian violence and targeted-killings coupled with intermittent battles with the militants. More than three thousand military soldiers and police men have become martyrs in this different war in maintaining the integrity of the federation.
Pakistan has faced external threats to its independence and territorial integrity right from its inception. Today our nation stands at the crossroads of its destiny, facing internal and external threats to the national security of Pakistan, which have co-relationship with each other directly or indirectly.
In this connection, release of the new secret documents which have targeted Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria including some other Islamic countries in general and Pakistan in particular are the plot of their collective enemies through WikiLeaks. Especially, the main aim of these diplomatic cables is to distort the image of Pakistan by maligning our political leadership, army and superior spy agency, ISI which is the first defense line of the country in thwarting the conspiracy of the foreign enemies.

Fundamental Elements

There are seven fundamental elements that lie at the core of, and therefore further amplify our definition of national security. At the same time, they constitute the most important challenges we face as a nation and people.
1. Socio-Political Stability
2. Territorial Integrity
3. Economic Solidarity and Strength
4. Ecological Balance
5. Cultural Cohesiveness
6. Moral-Spiritual Consensus
7. External Peace

Description of Fundamental Elements:

1. The first and foremost element is socio-political stability. We must achieve peace and harmony among all Pakistanis, regardless of creed, ethnic origin or social station. The government and the people must engage in nation-building under the rule of law, Constitutional democracy and the full respect for human rights.
2. The second is territorial integrity. We must ensure the permanent inviolability of our national territory and its effective control by the Government and the State.
3. The third is economic solidarity and strength. We must vigorously pursue a free-market economy through responsible entrepreneurship based on social conscience, respect for the dignity of labor and concern for the public interest. We must perpetuate an economic regime where the people take command of their own lives, their livelihood and their economic destiny.
4. The fourth is ecological balance. National survival rests upon the effective conservation of our natural environment in the face of industrial and agricultural expansion a population growth. We must promote sustainable development side by side with social justice.
5. The fifth is cultural cohesiveness. Our lives as a people must be ruled by a common set of values and beliefs grounded on high moral and ethical standards.
6. The sixth is moral-spiritual consensus. We must be propelled by a national vision inspired, and manifested in our words and deeds, by patriotism, national pride and the advancement of national goals and objectives.

7. The seventh is external peace. We must pursue constructive and cordial relations with all nations and peoples, even as our nation itself must chart an independent course, free from external control, interference or threat of aggression.

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